New Pool Closure Twitter Feed

Now you can find out in real time if the pool needs to close because of lightning/thunder or unsanitary conditions!

Our new pool closure Twitter feed gives you up-to-the-minute updates on pool closures and openings.

The feed is available on the footer of any page here on our website (just scroll to the bottom) or you can follow directly on Twitter: @WRCPool .

FYI, Montgomery County law requires the pool to be closed at any time, at the lifeguards’ discretion, for reasons such as difficult/unsafe weather, unsatisfactory water quality, equipment breakdowns, operation difficulties, and the like. For weather, the County requires that at the first visible evidence of lightning or audible thunder, the pool be closed and remain closed for at least 30 minutes after the last sighting of lightning or sound of thunder, and that all persons vacate the water and pool deck during the period of closure.

Rain, rain, go away – come back another day… but if you don’t, our members will be prepared!