- Membership: All Westleigh Recreation Club (WRC) activities are limited to members and their guests. Up-to-date membership identification or status as a guest is required at all times and for all use of WRC facilities including swimming pool, clubhouse, common grounds, tennis courts, pickleball courts, disc golf course and volleyball court.
- Guest Pass System: Guest passes are available for purchase on the member portal. Guest passes do not expire, unless you let your membership lapse for the season. Please discuss the use of on-site guest pass purchases with your household; member families agree to pay for any guests attending with their children or any other household member.
To avoid abuse and to ensure that paying members are respected and treated fairly, use of guest passes is restricted. Non-members are limited to 4 court visits throughout the year, and 2 pool visits a season. Guests cannot use the club on various guest passes in lieu of purchasing a membership.
This guest pass limit does not apply to out-of-town family and guests: if a member has visiting out-of-town guests and plans to use the pool more than twice with the guests, please contact Membership Manager Kim.
For parties of guests over 10 people, please contact Clubhouse Manager Dee or Membership Manager Kim at least 48 hours in advance.
- Contact Information: WRC is a not-for-profit recreation club managed by a volunteer Board of Directors who oversees the day-to-day management of the Club as carried out by various paid contractors (for example, pool management company, tennis professional, pickleball professionals, Membership Manager) and volunteer committees (for example, swim team, dive team, tennis, pickleball, disc golf). Members wishing to contact board members, contractors, or committees should use the contact information under the About Us page. Announcements of special events are also available on the home page or under the Social Events page.
- Use of Club Facilities: Any and all Club facilities shall not be made available for commercial purposes or for personal profit. The clubhouse, including the deck area, shall be available for rental for a fee by members and sponsored non-members. All clubhouse rental requests should be made to the Clubhouse Manager; a security deposit of $500 will be charged and refunded if the clubhouse is left in proper order and all inspection criteria and regulations cited in the rental agreement have been followed. Special pool activities must also be scheduled through the Clubhouse Manager to prevent coinciding with activities using the clubhouse.
- Advertising and Announcements: Commercial, personal, or political advertising or solicitation shall not be permitted on Club facilities without prior Board consent. No advertising or announcements shall be posted or exhibited, no petition shall be circulated, and no solicitation of funds or sale of tickets shall be made without the express written permission of the Board of Directors.
- Parking: Commuter parking is strictly prohibited. The WRC parking lot is a private lot restricted to parking of vehicles whose drivers are using Club facilities. Parking of cars is restricted to areas designated for this purpose. Drivers are urged to lock their cars; the Club is not responsible for theft, damage or loss of vehicles or property inside vehicles.
- Bicycles, Motorcycles, Mopeds, and the Like: Parking of small modes of transportation is limited to the area designated by bicycle racks or automobile parking. Parking is strictly prohibited on the concrete deck at the main entrance to the pool, on the driveway to the swimming pool emergency gate, and on stripe-painted areas. No motorized vehicles may be ridden on pedestrian pathways or on grassy areas.
- Music Amplification: The amplification of music from Club grounds or the clubhouse is prohibited without prior Board consent.
- Smoking: Smoking is not allowed anywhere on the property.
- Vandalism: Willful vandalism/destruction of Club property by members or their guests may result in loss of membership and/or prosecution to the fullest extent of the law.
- Lost and Found: Lost articles shall be reported to the head lifeguard on duty or the Clubhouse Manager. Articles found on Club premises shall be held for a period of time. Articles not claimed will be donated.
- Accidents: All accidents on Club premises must be reported immediately to the staff. The club may, on its discretion, administer first aid.
- Violation of Regulations: Disciplinary action for failure to obey Club regulations will be in accordance with Article X, Section 3, of the Club Bylaws. A complete copy of the current Club Bylaws can be found here: Westleigh Recreation Club Bylaws (2019).